Bleach click and drag
Bleach click and drag

Reputable mold remediation contractors use appropriate products that effectively disinfect properly scrubbed and cleaned salvageable mold infected wood products. The object to killing mold is to kill its “roots”. Yet the properties of chlorine bleach prevent it from “soaking into” wood-based building materials to get at the deeply embedded mycelia (roots) of mold. Why Chlorine Bleach is NOT Recommended for Mold Remediation.Ĭlorine bleach is corrosive and that fact is stated on the product label (not to mention the exposure hazards of dioxins). The use of bleach as a mold disinfectant is best left to kitchen and bathroom countertops, tubs and shower glass, etc. Thus, chlorine bleach should not be used in mold remediation as confirmed by OSHA’s and EPA's updated recommendations and suggested guidelines. Mold remediation involves the need to disinfect wood and wood-based building materials, all of which are porous materials. The “hard, non-porous surfaces” part of the sentence is a caveat. Whether or not chlorine bleach kills other molds and fungi, the company did not say. The company’s correspondence to Spore°Tech Mold Investigations, LLC stated that their Tech Center studies supported by independent laboratories show that “…3/4 cup of Clorox liquid bleach per gallon of water will be effective on hard, non-porous surfaces against… Aspergillus niger and Trichophyton mentagrophytes (Athlete’s Foot Fungus)”. That answer comes from The Clorox Company, Oakland CA, manufacturer and distributor of Ultra Clorox® Regular Bleach. Will chlorine bleach kill mold or not-yes or no? The answer is yes, but with a caveat. Subsequently, The Environmental Protection Agency wrote-out/edited their A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home (EPA 402-k-02-003) to exclude their once recommended use of bleach as a mold clean-up agent. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) who once recommended using clorine bleach for mold abatement was the first federal agency to stop recommending the use of liquid bleach in mold remediation. Well-intentioned recommendations of health departments and other state and local agencies are perpetuating that belief. Mold remediation involves the removal and or clean up and restoration of mold contaminated building materials.Ĭhlorine bleach, commonly referred to as laundry bleach, is generally perceived to be an “accepted and answer-all” biocide to abate mold in the remediation processes.

bleach click and drag

The link at the beginning is the source of the printed material below.Ī myth exists concerning the use and “effectiveness” of chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite) in the remediation of a mold problem. Parodi posted this on the NGPP Bulletim Board, I thought it appropriate to copy and paste here.

Bleach click and drag